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ARAS announces Patrons

Friday, 23 June 2023

ARAS is very proud to announce that Her Excellency the Honourable Frances Adamson AC, Governor of South Australia, and her husband, Mr Rod Bunten, have accepted our invitation to be our inaugural Patrons.

The Chair of ARAS, Anne Burgess AM, said it was gratifying that Her Excellency and Mr Bunten are keen to support ARAS in its work to assist older South Australians to preserve and protect their human rights.

Her Excellency is a proud sixth-generation South Australian, a graduate of the University of Adelaide and has worked as an advisor to the Prime Minister and an Australian Diplomat. She was made a Companion of the Order of Australia for eminent service to public administration. From 2011 to 2015 Her Excellency was Australia's Ambassador to China.

Mr Bunten is a graduate of the University of Oxford who joined the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office, working as a diplomat. His second career was as a secondary school teacher of physics and mathematics.

Her Excellency said that both she and Mr Bunten have a genuine concern and interest in supporting the rights of older people and working to prevent the abuse of older people, particularly older women, and that the work ARAS does, in both the policy area and direct support for older people, is critical to reducing abuse of older people.

"We look forward to working with ARAS to give a voice to older people," Her Excellency said.

Announcing 'Turn up the volume' - 2024 Australian Elder Abuse Conference

Monday, 9 January 2023

Elder Abuse Action Australia (EAAA) and ARAS are delighted to co-host the 2024 Australian Elder Abuse Conference in South Australia on the traditional country of the Kaurna people at the Adelaide Convention Centre 22-24 July.

The conference will provide a platform to better support older people by listening to their stories, advocating for their human rights and capitalising on the collective energy of attendees. We will hear from voices that reflect the true diversity of our nation.

Crucially, it will be a reminder that we cannot go quietly about the quest for real and lasting change, nor should we cease to imagine an Australia that repudiates ageism and upholds the principles of equality and fairness.

Sunrise - Swift action is being taken to protect residents in South Australia's aged care home homes after multiple workers at an Adelaide nursing home tested positive to COVID-19

Thursday, 19 November 2020

Chief Executive Carolanne Barkla spoke about the current aged care restrictions in South Australia and the strategies in place to protect older people in aged care homes.

Notice of Annual General Meeting (AGM)

ARAS Annual General Meeting will be held on Monday, 16th November 2020 at 2pm at Tandanya National Aboriginal Cultural Institute, 253 Grenfell Street, Adelaide. For further information please contact our office on (08) 8232 5377. 

Aged care home Edenfield Nerrilda fails repeated audits, continues to face no sanctions

Tuesday, 21 April 2020

Edenfield Nerrilda has failed five of its eight assessment standards and has had two years of its accreditation stripped after an audit by the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission (ACQSC). ACQSC also found the home failed to respond to three alleged incidents of abuse of the same customer and did not implement measures to ensure the staff member in question did not attend to the resident.

Chief Executive Carolanne Barkla urged the commission to consider if further sanctions were necessary.

Read the full article by clicking here

Notice of Annual General Meeting (AGM)

ARAS Annual General Meeting will be held on Monday, 25th November 2019 at 11am at 16 Hutt Street Adelaide. For further information please contact our office on (08) 8232 5377. 

New Adult Safeguarding Unit opens to take reports of elder abuse

Tuesday, 1 October 2019

South Australia’s new Adult Safeguarding Unit (ASU) is officially open for business, as of Tuesday, 1 October 2019. ASU is located in the Office for Ageing Well and has a strong focus on safeguarding the rights of adults at risk of abuse.

The ASU is empowered to act upon reports of abuse or neglect of adults who, through their health, life or other circumstances, may be vulnerable to abuse or neglect.

The ASU will assess all reports of abuse and will then decide on the appropriate action.  This could include investigating the situation further or taking immediate action, depending on the circumstances.

Members of the public can report abuse, and seek free confidential advice and support, by contacting the Adult Safeguarding Unit through the SA Elder Abuse Prevention Phone Line 1800 372 310.

For more information, go to and click on the Adult Safeguarding Unit.

Today Tonight - an investigation into Dr Mario Athinodorou 

Monday, 19 August 2019

Chief Executive Carolanne Barkla comments on sexual assault in residential aged care. Also, questions whether the practitioner under investigation should be working at all.

Watch the video here - 

Follow-up story in The Advertiser on Tuesday, 20 August 2019  - Medical regulator acts to suspend sex GP

A GP guilty of sexual misconduct against multiple female patients has been suspended as he awaits punishment, the country's medical regulator has announced. 

Read the full article by clicking here

Stan Lee Lawsuit Shines Spotlight on Elder Abuse

Thursday, 6 June 2019

In an interview with The Wire, Chief Executive Carolanne Barkla talks about the avenues available for older people who need help and role of financial institutions in identifying signs of elder abuse. 

Download audio

Aged Care Quality and Safety Advisory Council

Carolanne Barkla, Chief Executive Aged Rights Advocacy Service has been appointed to the Aged Care Quality and Safety Advisory Council. 

The Advisory Council provides advice to the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commissioner in relation to the Commissioner’s functions and may also advise the Minister in relation to these functions.

Read more at the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission website

CCTV cameras trialled in South Australian aged care facilities

Friday, 12 April 2019

At least five South Australian residential aged care facilities will have CCTV cameras installed to better protect the safety and wellbeing of its residents in an Australian-first trial.

Read the full article at Aged Care Guide website

New trial to help older Australians stay mobile and independent

Wednesday, 10 April 2019 

A new trial announced by the Australian Government will aim to enable older Australians to remain mobile, independent and living in the comfort of their own homes.

Read the full article at Aged Care Guide website

ABC News – Investigations into a mental health facility in Adelaide are intensifying after complaints about overdosing

Tuesday, 7 March 2017

Investigations into a mental health facility in Adelaide are intensifying after complaints about overdosing, under-documented restraining and the poor treatment of patients.