ARAS Standards of Service
ARAS is committed to continuous quality improvement and will undertake quality assurance activities in each area of work.
If you raise an issue of concern or make a complaint about a service you are receiving from another agency, we will:
- Respond promptly to the issue by investigating your options thoroughly.
- Present you with all strategies and options.
- Work with you to raise the issue or ask your permission to speak or act on your behalf.
- Work with you within an agreed timeframe.
If you contact us for information, we will:
- Answer your call promptly during normal office hours.
- Return your call if a more detailed answer is required.
- Provide you with accurate and helpful information.
- Refer you, if necessary, to other appropriate agencies.
When presenting information/education sessions, we will:
- Be professional in our presentation.
- Provide you with well researched, updated and relevant information.
- Allow time for audience participation and questions.
When writing and reviewing ARAS policy, we will:
- Consult with ARAS Board members and ARAS staff, in the first instance.
- Review on a regular basis (bi-annually or when necessary).
- Inform and consult with consumers through the following avenues:
- Consumer representation on ARAS Board of Management.
If you wish to make a complaint or raise a concern about our service, we will:
- Inform you of our internal complaints process.
- Advise you of the external processes available to you, such as OPAN (Older Persons Advocacy Network), Tel 1800 700 600 or the Health and Community Services Complaints Commissioner, Tel 1800 232 007.
As a consumer, you can help us to help you by:
- Informing ARAS advocates if there are any other people involved in the handling of your complaint.
- Treating ARAS staff with courtesy.
- Meeting any obligations of the stated service relationship.
- Giving us feedback on our services.
Aged Rights Advocacy Service Inc.
175 Fullarton Road
Dulwich SA 5065 -
Mailing Address:
175 Fullarton Road
Dulwich SA 5065 - Free Call: 1800 700 600 (freecall in AU)
- Phone: (08) 8232 5377
- Fax: (08) 8232 1794
- Email Address:
Acknowledgement of Country
Aged Rights Advocacy Service acknowledges the traditional owners of our country and pays respect to Elders past and present. We recognise and respect their cultural heritage, beliefs and relationship with their country.
Please be aware that this site may contain the names and/or images of deceased Aboriginal people. ARAS acknowledges that to some Aboriginal communities, it is distressing to show images and mention names of people who have died.
© 2017 - 2024 Aged Rights Advocacy Service (ARAS)